Thursday, September 17, 2009

Preparing for Sunday

Knowing I have to preach on a given Sunday, I find it very useful to take my time in allowing ideas to come to mind. Going over the readings early in the week and allowing them to float in my mind for a few days helps me to to focus on what events of the week connect to the readings.

As the week continues, I return to the readings with greater focus and attention. Using various homily helps and biblical commentaries give depth to the readings while I allow my own mind to delve into my own experiences to relate personally to the passages.

Some weeks the message of the readings is crystal clear, other times not so much. yet, as it is the Word of God, no matter what, there is a truth to be uncovered if we are willing to work and open our eyes.

1 comment:

Mary B said...

Hiding your blogging from the big sister! Too bad its really great! Hope you find ways to grow your site and invite more people to explore vocations.

Love you!